Carrecon-Piguillet, special coating applicators
Carrecon-Piguillet b.v. was formed from two companies: Carrecon b.v. & Piguillet en Zonen v.o.f.: two specialist companies with many years of (international) experience in their own professional field. Carrecon specialises in wet coatings and powder coatings, while Piguillet specialises in coating heat exchangers for air treatment and air-conditioning systems.
These companies have been working very closely together since 2004. The result is a highly modern and specialist coating company, in which knowledge and innovation guarantee the quality that our customers in shipping, (petro)- chemicals and industry demand.
Sustainability is at the heart of the Carrecon-Piguillet b.v. corporate vision. Our aim is to operate sustainably with our customers, products, and not least the environment. Contact with our customers is transparent, with short lines of communication enabling us to achieve a tailored end product and optimal service. Through the application of innovative technology and newly-developed coatings, we constantly strive to astound the various sectors we serve.